In this paper, a network service monitoring system was proposed by relying on the agent for several reasons, including the possibility of providing effective control over the network, preventing penetration, reducing complications, ensuring the continuity of service on the network, permitting quality of service, reducing downtime and system cost. The proposed network management and monitoring system includes a set of tasks such as (monitoring the network service using a simple interface, the ability to add and delete new users, provide security, and the ability to distribute monitoring tasks to many agents and make adjustments independently without user intervention). The proposed monitoring system can be applied to the internet or local networks. The agent monitors and observes events on the network and collects information from all parts of the network and sends it to the server to convert it to a page that is designed to display this information in real-time to the administrator. Event monitoring information on the network is collected at the user's request or on a scheduling system created by the network manager and sent this information to the server to alert the manager when a fault occurs. By providing the ability to make some decisions without consulting the manager. This system has been designed to be general in all types of networks in the sense that it can be used in monitored and manage the network activated or passive, and it can be applied in the local networks and global networks.