
Faults Diagnosis of Robots (FD)
Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI)
Wavelet & Wavenet
Sensor & actuator


Any robot system consists of mechanical and electrical components. . Mostly and with time obsolescence, faults and errors are happen in robot systems lead to work problems. Many years ago, scientist and researchers are working in this field. In this paper, a review study focuses on this field is introduced to make classifications between different types of faults and diagnosis methods those used in the field of robotics. Many types of faults are studied, according to some previous and recent works. The most detected faults can be classified into two parts: hardware and software faults. The hardware faults part is further classified into two main types; the first one is represented in sensors and actuators, while the other is included taking into consideration both position and velocity in joints. These joints which usually connect the links of the arm with each other and ensure contentions to motors, controllers, and many sensors, are really represent the most important side have to be studied. The software faults part includes those errors occurred during programming such as any error happen in signal translation, signal classification or signal identification is considered as a software fault.