The drastic increase of residential load consumption in recent years result in over loading feeder lines and transformers for the Iraqi northern area distribution system especially in the city of Mosul. Solution for this problem require up to date research study for the Diversity Factor in different parts of the distribution system, also require consumers load study to find the proper solution to stop excess overload in the transformers and the feeders.
This paper include the regional survey for samples of consumers representing typical types of different standard of living and energy consumption by distributing questioners contain list of information such as load type in daily use. Also current readings are recorded for the individual consumer and for the transformers and feeders for the months of the year 2006. In addition to those readings of energy consumption is recorded once every two months.
The registered readings are used to calculate the Diversity Factor for different loads, also used in conjunction with the list of questioners to find a sample (for different loads) that coincide with the list of questioner for current and energy readings. Resulting in the feasibility of using the sample to know the peak value of current for any consumer not included in the list of questioner and for any new consumer, since it become possible to decide the size of the transformers and feeder lines, then resulting the Diversity Factor to overcome the problem of overloading in any part of the distribution system.