In this paper,designs and efficient realizations of special types of IIR wavelet filter banks are introduced. These special typesare the bireciprocal lattice wave discrete wavelet filter banks (BLW-DWFBs). It is believed that these IIR filter banks possess superior band discriminations and perfect roll-off frequency characteristics with respect to their FIR counterparts. 5th and 7th order bireciprocal lattice wavedigitalfilters (BLWDFs) are first derived. They are designed to simulate scaling and wavelet functions of six-level wavelet transform. Such IIR filter banks are then realized as all-pass sections. Computationally-efficient realizations by such sections indicate that the resulting IIR discrete wavelet filter banks canlead to hardware implementations with less-complexity.
Keywords:All-Pass Sections, Bireciprocal Lattice Wave Filters (BLWDFs), Bireciprocal Lattice Wave Digital Discrete Wavelet Filter Banks (BLW-DWFBs), IIR Wavelet Filter Banks, Scaling And Wavelet Functions.