
Bireciprocal Lattice Wave Filters
Linear PhaseProcessing
Quadrature MirrorFilters
IIR Wavelet Filter Banks
FPGA Implementations


Abstract In this paper, Bireciprocal Lattice Wave Digital Filters (BLWDFs) are utilized in an approximate linear phase design of 9th order IIR wavelet filter banks (FBs). Each of the two branches in the structure of the BLWDF realizes an Allpass filter. The low-coefficient sensitivity, excellent dynamic range and good stability properties of such filters allow their realization with short coefficient wordlengths. Suitable coefficient wordlength representations are estimated for the best selection of some prescribed performance measures. The quantized coefficients are then realized in a multiplierlessmanner and implemented on Xilinx FPGA device. Therefore, less-complex infinite impulse response (IIR) wavelet filter bank structures are obtained with linear phase processing. Keywords: AllPass Sections,Bireciprocal Lattice Wave Filters (BLWDFs),Linear PhaseProcessing, Quadrature MirrorFilters(QMFs), IIR Wavelet Filter Banks,FPGA Implementations.