
Current signature
Vibration Analysis
Acoustic Noise


Abstract This paper presents results of the comparison between the use of inductionmotor current signature, vibration signature, and acoustic signal analysis methods to detect broken rotor bars fault. The results have taken at healthy and faulty conditions at different speeds due to change of load. It is a comparison between three ways to determine the sensitivity for detecting faults and to adopt the best technology in detecting damagesin order to increase the reliability of the system. Signals are beenanalyzedin time and frequency domains.The value of the root mean square of the current signal, the peak value of vibration signal,and the sound pressure level of the machine sound have monitored for healthy and faulty conditions. The laboratory tests show that the results of analyzing the current signature is considered one of the most sensitive to detect the rotor broken bar faults in its early stages، while the vibration signal methodis less sensitive to detect the fault in the initial stages because of the presence of other components in the vibration signal.But the acoustic method is not reliable method for detectingthis type of the faults. This is due to the presence of noise in the environment and fault low order frequencies. Keywords: Broken rotor bars,Current signature, Vibration Analysis, Acoustic Noise.